List out top 10 Zombie movies 

Zombie movie lovers are constantly on the hunt for top 10 zombie lists. Top lists of this type are invaluable resources in terms of entertainment value for the individual who is interested in obtaining a quality film experience. Top lists can be found in many forms, including lists that are published commercially or are available online. Here is a list of some of the most popular zombie films on the market today:

List out top 10 Zombie movies

The Raid is a pretty good zombie movie that stars Mike Myers and Bill Murray. The movie itself is about a group of British teenagers who are terrorizing an unsuspecting town. The zombies in this one are rather large in size, which makes for a more authentic and frightening viewing experience. Some of the scenes are even completely terrifying. The Raid was one of the few zombie films that did not receive a major release in either domestic or international theaters.

The novel adaptation of the successful series of books by Robert E. Howard is another excellent choice. The Dead Zone is set in an alternate, post-apocalyptic world where zombies have overrun the earth. This list would definitely be incomplete without the mention of the series' top seller, the Necromancer. Another book based on the works of Howard comes in Necropolis. The Necromancer was one of the very first novels to receive a wide release and also ranks as one of the best-selling horror/fantasy novels of all time.

It is important to mention that the Dead Zone did not receive the release of its sequel, Necropolis, on either of the aforementioned sources. Due to budget and time constraints related to the film itself, the movie was never released in either domestic or international theaters. However, it still managed to garner a number of positive reviews from movie lovers, who were quite impressed with it despite the fact that it was never intended to be a big hit. On that note, the film ranks as a definite must-see movie for all movie fans, especially those who are die-hard zombie fans.

There are many other excellent zombie movie favorites that should definitely be represented on this list. Zombie Untold is a fantastic film that tells the story of how an outbreak occurs in the brief moments following a nuclear war. Zombie UTI is another fantastic, if slightly less realistic, tale of a deadly virus being spread through the hospital.

As the list continues, one of the most realistic looking movies on this list is the upcoming Universal Studios movie World War Z. The cast includes Brad Pitt, Guy Pierce, Ed Harris, and director Matt Reeves. As far as movies taking place in the future go, this one looks like something that could reach the box office in the next few weeks. That said, the list is certainly not done with yet! We continue with the zombie thriller genre, which is perhaps the most popular zombie genre out there.

For those who enjoy the old horror movies, the list for the top ten must include The Shape, The Blair Witch Project, and The Ring. The Shape is a fast-paced horror movie that stars Dereon Ashbourne as an escaped mental patient who returns home to take on the paranormal forces that have been plaguing her family. The Shape also features Ed Harris, and fellow actors Mike Epps, and Jennifer Carpenter. While The Shape doesn't quite reach the heights of other horror movies from the 1990's, it still is a very entertaining and scary movie. Those who haven't seen The Shape, or are just looking for something that is terrifyingly good, should look into watching The Blair Witch Project.

A quick internet search will turn up a full list of other great horror films that are sure to make the cut as the best of the best when it comes to listing your favorite zombie flicks. It is also important to remember that these lists are only meant to be a rough guide and that there is always room for something better than what you see here. However, there are a lot of very scary, suspenseful zombie movies from the last few years that should be included on any top ten list out today.